Wretched Rabbit Passage from Eureka Junction

From Ease Gill

Wretched Rabbit Passage, from Eureka Junction to Depot Junction[edit | edit source]

A muddy passage leads off to the left of the streamway at Eureka Junction. Very soon, a junction is reached: the route to Wretched Rabbit is to the left; [straight on leads to Poetic Justice and Trident Passage in County Pot.] A short roof traverse leads to a vadose passage. The walls here are covered with a thin layer of mud, caused by water backing up from Eureka Junction.

After about three minutes, the passage lowers to a crawl. The crawl passes calcited cobbles suspended from the ceiling; it is driest to the left at this point. The crawl passes stal flow and pillars; again, keeping left is the driest route. Ahead, the stream emerges from a low passage; the easiest route is to step up into a roof oxbow. Where the passage widens, holes connect down to stream level; a step across these holes reaches a traverse. A step up over the stream reaches a continuing roof oxbow, with various holes back down to the stream.

After a couple of minutes, the stream is regained at a junction; [ahead chokes after 3m.] To the left is a meandering streamway, narrow in places; this passes a large stalactite, and includes a short crawl. After about three minutes, an easy 4m climb is reached. Above the climb, the stream emerges from a low passage. The best route is a slightly awkward 2m climb up to the left, leading to a step across a pot in the floor above the stream. Soon, a junction is reached.

Wretched Rabbit Passage, from Depot Junction to Spiral Staircase Junction[edit | edit source]

A series of easy climbs lead up into a meandering vadose passage. The stream is lost, and after about three minutes, a junction is reached; [the passage ahead is blind after 1m.] To the left leads to a climb up to the left and a step across a hole in the floor, into an abandoned vadose passage. After about two minutes, an inlet enters from the left, and a 3m-deep hole, lined with boulders, is met. Descending the hole leads into Spiral Staircase Passage. Skirting the hole and continuing ahead leads to Wretched Rabbit Exit.