Hylton Hall to Echo Aven
From Ease Gill
Hylton Hall to Echo Aven[edit | edit source]
Descending Hylton Hall, and then continuing upslope meets an inlet sinking to the left, and then entering from the right and the roof. Turning left then right leads into a small chamber. A T-shaped rift continues, best tackled at the top. Following the rift leads to a slope to the right into a small bouldery chamber. At the bottom of the chamber, a way leads down through boulders —care!— into a downwards crawl. The crawl opens out into a small chamber within the boulder choke. Continuing downwards, towards the sound of water, breaks out into larger passage at a T-junction.
To the left, after a few steps, an inlet is met, entering from the left. Downstream, a meandering passage soon meets the start of the ropes for Echo Aven (P26). The pitches are currently permanently rigged (April 2016). An initial ascending traverse and awkward climb reaches the top of a short hang. This leads to the main hang, with a deviation part way down. The pitch can be somewhat wet. The pitch lands in a very drippy chamber. Downstream leads towards the 88' Pitch.