Borehole Exit Series
From Ease Gill
Borehole Exit Series[edit | edit source]
Above the pitch, a crawl passes a side passage to the right. The passage soon enlarges to a mix of walking and stooping, with one short crawl. The passage is well decorated, and passes a few side passages to the right.
After about five minutes, the passage becomes a crawl over cobbles. A couple of minutes ahead, a route between boulders enters a 4m-high chamber. [Ahead is a decent-size passage, with the water entering from a slot on the left after a few metres.] The way on is to the left: at the base of a boulder slope, a small slot on the right at floor level. The stream is re-joined, and a low crawl continues. The roof soon raises slightly, and the passage continues as a crawl in a canal.
Ahead reaches a junction in a deepish section of water, with the way on to the right. A few minutes of continuing crawl in a canal leads to the base of a slightly awkward 3m climb. Above, ascending passage soon reaches the exit.