Gypsum Caverns, southern branch, west-bound

From Ease Gill

Gypsum Caverns, southern branch, west-bound[edit | edit source]

Ascending the mud slope leads through a window. A short section of passage leads to a descent past stal into a chamber. Turning right, easy walking and stooping in a mud-floored passage leads to a pot in the floor, with the stream audible below. This is best passed by climbing up to the right, and then crawling along a ledge until it is possible to return to the floor.

Ahead, a short section of stooping and an easy crawl lead to a boulder slope down into a chamber. The chamber is over-looked by a balcony, 4m up. The two branches re-join here.

  • Ahead, to the right of the balcony, an ascent route leads up onto the balcony. This leads towards Holbeck Junction.