Nagasaki to Boundary Pot

From Ease Gill

Far East Passage[edit | edit source]

From Nagasaki, the route to Far East Passage is to descend the large hole in the floor, towards the sound of the stream. This meets the stream in an area of breakdown. [Downstream leads to a dangerous boulder choke.]

Upstream, after a couple of minutes leads to a choice of routes, at the point where the rift becomes taller, by a small cascade.

  • Continuing in the stream leads to Limerick Junction.

Far East Passage to Hiroshima Chamber[edit | edit source]

The traverse towards Hiroshima Chamber is vague at first, but has signs of traffic. After a few metres, a roof passage is met, which immediately leads to the foot of a scaffolded and meshed dig. Ascending through the dig leads into a small chamber. Ascending to the left, and crawling through a large bedding plane, leads to a climb down into Hiroshima Chamber.

The normal way out of Hiroshima is slightly to the left, leading to Fusion Cavern.

Hiroshima Chamber to Fusion Cavern[edit | edit source]

From Hiroshima, following the stream, either over or under a false floor, leads into easier stream passage. The passage passes Boxing Day Aven. Ahead soon reaches a choke, where the stream flows from a low bedding. The way on is a crawl to the right of a choke. The crawl bypasses the choke, and re-joins the stream. Continuing upstream soon leads to Fusion Cavern, an impressive chamber containing a large aven.

  • The route to Bar Steward's Passage enters via a 17m pitch, which needs pre-rigging, at the aven.
  • the route to Savage's Passage is to the left at the aven, starting with Crossover Passage.

Savage's Bypass, outwards[edit | edit source]

Crossover Passage ascends steeply, before a 1.5m step down into a large stream passage, with an inlet entering opposite. Continuing up the main stream soon leads to a point where the water cascades from the roof. The way on is to climb up on the left, a couple of metres back from the cascade, for about 5m, then to step round a prow towards the water. The main stream comes from ahead, but the way out of the cave is to follow an inlet on the right. This can be reached by stepping across the chasm onto a ledge, from where a short narrow climb enters a crawl with the water.

The water can be followed upstream to where it flows out of some cobbles. To the right, a crawl over cobbles picks up a trickle of water, and descends to a junction at a pool.

  • To the right is Bar Steward's Passage, from Fusion Cavern.
  • The way to the exit is straight ahead.

Boundary Pot Exit Series[edit | edit source]

From the confluence of Bar Steward's Passage and Savage's Passage, a crawl leads to a short section of walking passage, before dropping again to a crawl. After a couple of minutes, a small chamber is reached. The way on is up a 4m broken climb with a trickle of water.

At the top, continued crawling passes a small passage to the right. Ahead soon reaches a T-junction, with the way on to the left; [to the right eventually chokes.] After just a few metres, a chamber is reached. To the left is a 2m climb into a further crawl. This leads into another chamber, with daylight entering from a shaft to the right. Ahead, another 2m climb leads to a low crawl to the exit.